Friday, February 22, 2013


Dear Adobe,

Why do you continue to make FrameMaker?  It’s the weakest link, the black sheep, the one that slows everybody down.  You have such awesome other products like Dream, Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop…and just about everything else besides Frame.  And yet, you still send out this archaic, prone-to-issues software that we find ourselves yelling at, calling you about, and doing ridiculous workarounds to accomplish the things it’s supposed to do. 

Not much better is RoboHelp.  Here we have Frame’s sad, twisted twin that “generates” output…when it feels like it and only what it wants.  Is this because it relies on Frame?  Yet another example of the Adobe family being negatively affected by this one problem child.

We love you, Adobe, but we want to know WHY we have to accept this demented part of you.

Yours forever,
Writers across the world

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