A year ago, I was sleeping on an ever-deflating mattress using my coat as a blanket and a couch pillow to rest my head by the sliding door at my friends' house. Sometimes it was the futon which was a bit warmer. I was living out of a bag of clothes and my backpack. I had extra clothes in my car. My roommates in my apartment were making things difficult to say the least. Until I got a new apartment, I was crashing with my best friends. It was bittersweet. As you can tell from my sleeping arrangements, I wasn't getting much sleep. Actually, I was exhausted.
Interestingly enough, one of the questions posed during the interview was about how I handle difficult situations. I was living one! I handled it professionally once I realized that the roommates would not respond to civil interactions. I sought the housing authority to make the change and until then, I stayed away. One of the interviewers had a similar experience while in school...score!
After the interview, I went to work dressed to the nines and then did a presentation for PWTC to the English major newbies. Then back to the house to do work with my best friends. They were more than welcoming and I will always think fondly of that horrible time because of the amazing friends that supported me.
Bright and early the next day, I had a meeting with Housing. While waiting in the office, I received an email from the people with whom I'd interviewed the day before. They wanted to see me two days later! Amazing news!
The two days before the interview were filled with hurried moving and shuffling all of my belongings to another building with the help of my friends between classes, work, and studies. Still sleeping at their house, I prepared for the interview. The night before the interview, I went home, as my parents' house is MUCH closer to where I was going to be interviewing (still a 45 minute drive).
I met with two different interviewers and then had lunch with the group. It was wonderful! They wanted me and I wanted them. I had the job, they just had to get the OK from way above.
After that interview, I managed to stay awake long enough to drive home and crawl into bed where I slept long and deep. When I woke up, I found it hard to comprehend all that had changed in one week. From feeling hopelessly trapped in an apartment with awful circumstances, to couch crashing, to interviewing, to a new apartment with great people, strengthened relationships with my best friends, and my future career in front of me, I was amazed and senioritis kicked in big time. My life as a working woman, the real world, was ready and spelled out. I had just under two months left in this dream world. It was a very odd and comforting place to be.
One year later...
I am at a different building (longer commute, but such is life) with the same company and the same coworkers.
I have learned a lot but am still learning.
I am preparing for a presentation to PWTC students...when under a year ago I was sitting in those seats.
I have a brand new car.
I am engaged.
I have changed more than I ever thought possible...in the best ways.
I miss college and my friends dearly, but we still keep in touch. With gchat and facebook, I talk to people from PWTC that I never really hung out with in college, and now consider them best friends.
I don't pull all-nighters.
I get sleep for the most part.
I commute 100 miles a day.
I still live for the weekends.
I still enjoy life and find new, calmer things just as fulfilling as the old wild adventures.
Time flew by, but it's worked out well. I will always love and miss my college days and have a soft spot in my heart for the two final months of college, but I was well prepared for the real world from PWTC.
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