Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cough med cubicle comedy

I'm that person everyone in the office hates today. Yup, I'm sick and I came to work. I called out yesterday, but today I'm here and packed with germs. Well, not really as this is day 4 of the cold virus thing. Thank goodness for free ginger ale in the game room! Even that won't silence the beast coming out of my cube.. that hacking cough that sounds like a donkey baying (the cold meds I'm on are clearly making things foggy...or more interesting) is echoing through this mini cube farm. Oy, the cough meds that I had to show my license for... as if this coughing, sniffly, clearly exhausted body had the strength to turn CVS brand Advil Cold and Sinus into meth. And of course the scanner wouldn't work so all 3 people behind me at CVS think I've already bought a warehouse full and am now being caught. All I wanted was to get back in bed! Alas.

Yes, so I think the cold meds are definitely messing with my thinking! Well, time to go re-review some stuff from Friday! This will be interesting.